Since ancient times, some animals, more than others, have drawn human attention for different reasons .
Numbers and evaluations show that horses and the Eagala Model improve lives! Thanks to every HR leader, Directors, teams and business groups that have approached TAAC to acquire our corporate services, because this allows us to be able to serve others.
Through this innovative EAGALA Model, children who have been victims of trafficking, sexual abuse and violence are restoring their lives through horses. Horses allow them to visualize their current internal state, their emotions and thoughts, their deepest wounds. This Model provides emotional security that goes far beyond that provided by being inside an office speaking, it provides a space like no other, which allows us to delve much deeper and at an incredible speed, without becoming threatening to the patient / client . The fact that this Model is solution-oriented, results in faster results than with traditional methods.
Did you know that we tend to repeat our stories?
If you want to join, contact Fundación Casa Alianza I.A.P. Mexico
TAAC will do everything in its power so that this does NOT continue!!

A bit of history and context: According to recent statistics provided by official organizations, in Mexico there are more than 3,000,000 street children, we are referring to minors who for different reasons lack a family home. Due to the condition in which they live, they are considered “at risk” as they have a very high probability of becoming victims of human trafficking, violence, sexual abuse and addictions.
Unfortunately, many of them do not reach adulthood, but those who do, given the lack of a formal education that allows them to integrate into a productive society, when they are adults, have the only possibility of dedicating themselves to crime to survive.
In order for the efforts made by various institutions, concerned with offering these children basic education and training in different trades, to achieve their objectives, they need to be complemented by psychological care that restores the emotional damage caused by the various circumstances from which they have been victims.

In Mexico, the Casa Alianza IAP Foundation ( for more than 25 years, has cared for children and adolescents who come to their shelters without conditioning or cost , to help them Incorporate into society in a functional and self-sufficient way, offering them the best support and management programs in this problem.
On the other hand, TAAC (Assisted Learning Techniques with Horses) ( for 6 years has contributed with a donation in kind to the work carried out by Casa Alianza, through attention sessions psychotherapy to groups of children that the institution has identified as most in need of this type of care.
The attention that TAAC offers is based on the EAGALA (Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association) Model ( which originates in the USA in 1999 and to date, thanks to its effectiveness, has already been disseminated to 49 countries through professionals in the psychological and learning area. Due to its high standards of professionalism, the EAGALA Model is the only model of work with horses in the world approved by the APA (American Psychological Association) and other mental health institutions in the USA and Europe (London, England). jointly carried out by the Casa Alianza IAP Foundation and TAAC has been formally registered and will be published to publicize and promote the psychological benefit that interaction with horses provides when directed by professionals in the area.